12 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Sore Throat and Stuffy Nose in Adult

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Sore Throat and Stuffy Nose – Pain or irritation in the throat that can occur with or without swallowing and often accompanies infections, such as a cold or flu is referred to as an as sore throat.

When an individual gets infected, the infection can be so severe that it can halt our activities.

One major characteristic of sore throat infection is difficulty in swallowing. 

It occurs with burning sensations, abscesses near your tonsils, and sinus and ear infections. 

Sore throat infections usually range from mild to severe, this depends on the cause of the infection.

When a sore throat infection arises, it can be a pointer to an underlying disease.


Today, the major alarm that goes off in your head when you have a sore throat is “Covid.” 

Is sore throat a sign of covid? 

Yes, sore throat can be a symptom of covid. 

This is because covid is a respiratory disease and a sore throat and stuffy nose could indicate the presence of the infection. 

Covid and sore throat often appear together in many cases. 

But this doesn’t necessarily mean you have covid, there are several other causes of sore throat.


How to Get Rid of Sore Throat and Stuffy Nose in Adult


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A sore throat and stuffy nose can also be a result of the weather. 

A change in weather can influence the occurrences of the infection. 

In this article, we shall be discussing some home remedies to get rid of sore throat.



Symptoms of a Sore Throat

A symptom of a disease is a pointer to the presence of an infection or an underlying infection.

Sore throats are painful, irritable, itchy, and cause swelling.

It makes swallowing very painful and unpleasant.

Understanding the symptoms of sore throat; can help you determine the best remedies to get rid of it.

Symptoms of a sore throat vary depending on the cause, some include;

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • White spots on your throat or tonsils
  • Red, swollen tonsils
  • Swollen glands in your neck
  • Skin rash

In severe cases,


What Causes a Sore Throat?

Viruses, such as the cold or flu virus, are the most common cause of sore throats.

Tonsillitis, strep throat, and mononucleosis are some of the other major causes of sore throat.

Other factors include smoking, nighttime mouth breathing, pollution, and allergies to pets, pollens, and molds.

During surgery, general anesthesia can induce a sore throat.


How long does a sore throat last?

Sore throats are usually due to common viruses, so a sore throat will generally resolve within 3-10 days.

Sore throats are generally uncomfortable, but with these below remedies, you can get rid of sore throat or manage them better.


12 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Sore Throat and Stuffy Nose in Adult

If you are thinking about how to fix a sore throat, this article is recommended for you. 

There are various natural ways you can fix a sore throat without having to break a bank. 

Especially if you have a recurring sore throat, meaning you are prone to sore throats. 

Having a number of remedies to get rid of sore throat will do you good. 

Below are 12 home remedies for sore throat treatment.


1. Take Fluids


take fluid - Home remedies to get rid of sore throat


If you notice sore throat while swallowing, this is one of the best remedies to get rid of sore throat.

Swallowing fluids can be very painful and uncomfortable in this stage.

However, it helps the throat feel better.

Fluids keep the mucosa membranes hydrated so that healing can take place.

Examples of fluids are; tea, herbal infusions, water.


2. Marshmallow Root for Sore Throat


Marshmallow root - Home remedies to get rid of sore throat


Second, on our list of home remedies to get rid of sore throat, is marshmallow roots.

In the past, people have used extracts from the marshmallow plant to heal sore throats and other ailments and it still works.

Its root contains mucilage, a gelatin-like material that coats and lubricates the throat when swallowed.

Lozenges in the marshmallow root have proven to be efficacious and harmless, even at very high doses.

It also aids in the relief of a dry cough.


3. Chicken Soup


Chicken soup - Home remedies to get rid of sore throat


Chicken soup is a natural sore throat medicine.

Toss in some garlic to the soup.

Garlic has bioactive substances that can help you feel better while you’re sick.

Meanwhile, canned chicken soup can be bought or cooked from scratch.

Chicken soup has a soothing cuisine that can help relieve a sore throat.


4. Honey for Sore Throat 


Honey - Home remedies to get rid of sore throat


Another great addition to our list of home remedies to get rid of sore throat is honey.

Taking honey directly can help you ease the symptoms of a sore throat.

Warm honey-sweetened tea can assist to ease your inflamed throat.

Tea also helps to keep you hydrated, which is another key aspect of sore throat treatment.

When a sore throat starts to itch, make a cup of tea.

Green tea is a good option because it’s antimicrobial, pain-relieving, and high in antioxidants, as well as helping to reduce inflammation.

When you’re unwell, honey offers another advantage.

It’s an efficient cough suppressor that works just as well as over-the-counter cough medicine.


5. Peppermint Tea for Sore Throat 


Peppermint tea - Home remedies to get rid of sore throat


Peppermint tea is calming to the throat and includes anti-inflammatory chemicals.

Mint may also temporarily numb the throat, alleviating pain.

Peppermint tea contains no caffeine, and its naturally sweet flavor typically necessitates the use of no extra sugar.

Peppermint herbal teas are widely available in stores and online.

To brew peppermint tea at home, steep fresh peppermint leaves for 3–5 minutes in boiling water, then strain.

6. Gargle with Saltwater


Gargle with saltwater - Home remedies to get rid of sore throat


Saltwater is another addition to our list of home remedies to get rid of sore throat.

If you are wondering what kills a sore throat fast, try saltwater. An itchy throat might be relieved by gargling with warm saltwater.

The salt helps ease the discomfort by drawing mucus out of your swollen, irritated tissue.

It’s best to use 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of table salt with 4 to 8 ounces of warm water.

Stir until the salt dissolves completely.

After that, gargle with it for a few seconds before spitting it out.

You can repeat the salt gargle several times a day.


7. Steam Bath


Steam bath - Home remedies to get rid of sore throat


This is another method of home remedies to get rid of sore throat.

If you have a sore throat, no fever, and a headache, this is the perfect remedy for you.

Moist air can provide almost instant relief.

Inhale the steam from a hot bath to help reduce swelling and relieve sore throat symptoms.

Steam can also be created by running extremely hot water through a sink.

To breathe in the steam, drape a towel over your head and lean into the sink.

To relieve a sore throat, keep taking deep breaths for several minutes and repeat as needed.


8. Lemon Water to Get Rid of Sore Throat


Lemon water - Home remedies to get rid of sore throat


Here is another method of home remedies to get rid of sore throat.

Lemon water is a delicious drink that may also help to relieve throat soreness.

Lemon is high in vitamin C and other antioxidants.

These chemicals lower oxidative stress and fight inflammation, both of which are prevalent disease signs.

Lemon also helps to keep the mucous membranes moist by increasing the amount of saliva produced by the body.

To get the moisture out of lemon, mix the lemon with warm water and add a little honey or saltwater.


9. Raise your Head


Raise your head - Home remedies to get rid of sore throat


This is not necessarily one of the remedies to get rid of sore throat.

It is merely a coping mechanism.

If your painful throat is accompanied by a runny nose, place an additional pillow or two beneath your head.

The added height will make it easier for you to breathe.

You won’t have to sleep with your mouth open if your congestion is reduced, which might dry up your throat and make it feel better.


10. Chamomile Tea for Sore Throat


Chamomile tea - Home remedies to get rid of sore throat


In the past, people have employed chamomile, a daisy-like herb, for therapeutic purposes.

Chamomile tea promotes peaceful sleep, which is essential for recovery.

Chamomile has also been reported to help fight infection and relieve discomfort.

The aroma and flavor of chamomile tea are pleasant and moderate.

Chamomile, like other herbal teas, is caffeine-free.

Chamomile tea is commonly accessible in supermarkets and on the internet.


11. Use a Humidifier


Use a humidifier - Home remedies to get rid of sore throat


Swollen tissue in your nose and throat might be relieved by breathing moist air.

Increase the quantity of moisture in your space by using a cool-mist humidifier.

Humidifiers are available at most stores.


12. Herbal Lozenges

Herbal lozenges - Home remedies to get rid of sore throat

Teas, infusions, and other beverages are soothing and hydrating.

However, sucking on a throat lozenge can be soothing as well.

Lozenges made from slippery elm are very popular.

Similar to marshmallow root, it contains mucilage, which coats and soothes the throat.


12 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Sore Throat and Stuffy Nose in Adult



It is no news that sore throats can be very stubborn that you might find it difficult to cure them.

However, to get rid of sore throats, nothing kills it faster than all the remedies mentioned in this article.

Some home remedies can be used alone or combined with other remedies mentioned in this article to cure sore throat and fever.

If these remedies don’t work for you, you can try less natural remedies to get rid of sore throat, like the Vapocool sore throat spray.

This medicine uses intense targeted cooling and numbing to vaporize sore throats.

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